Instructions for QQwing
QQWing is a command line program that accepts many options.
qqwing <options> Sudoku solver and generator. --generate <num> Generate new puzzles --solve Solve all the puzzles from standard input --difficulty <diff> Generate only simple,easy, intermediate, or expert --symmetry <sym> Symmetry: none, rotate90, rotate180, mirror, flip, or random --puzzle Print the puzzle (default when generating) --nopuzzle Do not print the puzzle (default when solving) --solution Print the solution (default when solving) --nosolution Do not print the solution (default when generating) --stats Print statistics about moves used to solve the puzzle --nostats Do not print statistics (default) --timer Print time to generate or solve each puzzle --notimer Do not print solve or generation times (default) --count-solutions Count the number of solutions to puzzles --nocount-solutions Do not count the number of solutions (default) --history Print trial and error used when solving --nohistory Do not print trial and error to solve (default) --instructions Print the steps (at least 81) needed to solve the puzzle --noinstructions Do not print steps to solve (default) --log-history Print trial and error to solve as it happens --nolog-history Do not print trial and error to solve as it happens --one-line Print puzzles on one line of 81 characters --compact Print puzzles on 9 lines of 9 characters --readable Print puzzles in human readable form (default) --csv Output CSV format with one line puzzles --help Print this message --about Author and license information --version Display current version number
Generate a single Sudoku
$ qqwing --generate
. 4 3 | 5 . . | . . 2 . . 2 | . . 4 | . 8 3 . 1 . | . . . | 6 . . -------|-------|------- . 8 . | 7 3 . | . . 5 2 6 . | . 4 5 | . . . 1 . . | . . 8 | . . . -------|-------|------- . 7 . | 3 . . | . 6 . . . . | . . . | . . . . . . | 6 . 7 | . . .
Generate a single Sudoku and print the solution too
$ qqwing --generate --solution
2 . . | . . 9 | . 8 . . 4 6 | . . . | . . . 7 . . | 4 . 2 | 1 . . -------|-------|------- 6 . . | . . 1 | 4 . 8 . . . | 6 3 . | . 2 . 9 2 7 | . . . | . . 3 -------|-------|------- 1 . . | 9 . . | 8 4 . . 9 . | . . . | . . . 4 . . | . . . | . 6 . 2 3 1 | 7 6 9 | 5 8 4 5 4 6 | 3 1 8 | 2 9 7 7 8 9 | 4 5 2 | 1 3 6 -------|-------|------- 6 5 3 | 2 9 1 | 4 7 8 8 1 4 | 6 3 7 | 9 2 5 9 2 7 | 5 8 4 | 6 1 3 -------|-------|------- 1 6 5 | 9 7 3 | 8 4 2 3 9 2 | 8 4 6 | 7 5 1 4 7 8 | 1 2 5 | 3 6 9
Generate ten puzzles and print out full stats in CSV format
$ qqwing --generate 10 --solution --csv --stats --timer
Puzzle,Solution,Time (milliseconds),Givens,Singles,Hidden Singles,Naked Pairs,Hidden Pairs,Pointing Pairs/Triples,Box/Line Intersections,Guesses,Backtracks,Difficulty .13.....22.....48....7...19...9..8..7......2....3.......263.9..,913584762257169483648723519136942857795816324824357196572638941489271635361495278,46.717,26,34,21,0,0,0,0,0,0,Easy, 5...7.6..41..53..7.6712...884.....1.....1.3.6...7...2........65......87..3.......,529478631418653297367129458846532719275914386193786524982347165654291873731865942,30.1,26,55,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Simple, ...........8..4.1...4.7....8..3...69..71....4.95......4..,712983645938654217654271398841327569267195834395468172486519723173842956529736481,44.492,25,41,13,3,0,1,1,2,2,Expert, .6..5..3...1.2..5.7....34..426.38.....3.......574.12.......7......81...7....6...1,264159738381724956795683412426538179913276584857491263138947625642815397579362841,28.002,26,55,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Simple, ...6..4.9..8........3..9.....17.5...8.......1.4.3......3.....561......3..94..8..7,512673489978142563463859712321795648859426371746381295237914856185267934694538127,235.508,22,35,24,1,0,0,0,0,0,Intermediate, .46...58.718.....65...4....1....675..8.....1..2...58.4.....74...69....7.2....1...,946712583718359246532648197193486752485273619627195834351967428869524371274831965,72.421,27,40,14,0,0,0,0,0,0,Easy, 6.......1...63.....8241...9.....5.1..4.......2.9..8..5..4....8.....2.46.5........,697852341451639278382417659873265914145973826269148735714396582938521467526784193,71.251,22,35,24,0,0,0,0,0,0,Easy, ..28.5..7.9..274......1...9.8....7313........4...71...........4.1.9...........253,142895367893627415756413829685249731371568942429371586238756194514932678967184253,74.806,24,37,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,Easy, 4....791....4.....2..5...365.3....2.....7.1...7.129......9.3...3.5....6.....6....,456237918931486572287591436513648729629375184874129653762953841395814267148762395,76.731,24,40,17,0,0,0,0,0,0,Easy, ........,756981234921364578438572691819453726673218945542697183285139467197846352364725819,75.17,26,43,11,0,0,1,0,1,0,Expert, 10 puzzles generated in 0.757244 seconds.
Generate a puzzle of expert difficulty and print it in compact format
$ qqwing --generate --difficulty expert --compact
8........ ......5.7 .......61 .1..869.5 ....14... .965....4 ..8..7... 75.3....9 ..9..13..
Solve a puzzle
$ echo ........ | qqwing --solve
7 5 6 | 9 8 1 | 2 3 4 9 2 1 | 3 6 4 | 5 7 8 4 3 8 | 5 7 2 | 6 9 1 -------|-------|------- 8 1 9 | 4 5 3 | 7 2 6 6 7 3 | 2 1 8 | 9 4 5 5 4 2 | 6 9 7 | 1 8 3 -------|-------|------- 2 8 5 | 1 3 9 | 4 6 7 1 9 7 | 8 4 6 | 3 5 2 3 6 4 | 7 2 5 | 8 1 9
Solve a puzzle and print out complete stats and solve instructions
$ echo .....1.....2....9.. | qqwing --solve --stats --instructions --count-solutions
9 4 8 | 2 3 1 | 7 5 6 3 7 2 | 6 5 8 | 1 9 4 5 1 6 | 9 7 4 | 8 3 2 -------|-------|------- 7 5 4 | 8 2 3 | 6 1 9 2 8 1 | 5 9 6 | 3 4 7 6 9 3 | 1 4 7 | 5 2 8 -------|-------|------- 1 2 7 | 3 8 9 | 4 6 5 4 6 9 | 7 1 5 | 2 8 3 8 3 5 | 4 6 2 | 9 7 1 1. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 1 - Column: 6 - Value: 1) 2. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 2 - Column: 3 - Value: 2) 3. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 2 - Column: 8 - Value: 9) 4. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 3 - Column: 2 - Value: 1) 5. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 3 - Column: 4 - Value: 9) 6. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 3 - Column: 5 - Value: 7) 7. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 3 - Column: 7 - Value: 8) 8. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 3 - Column: 8 - Value: 3) 9. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 4 - Column: 1 - Value: 7) 10. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 4 - Column: 5 - Value: 2) 11. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 4 - Column: 7 - Value: 6) 12. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 5 - Column: 2 - Value: 8) 13. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 5 - Column: 3 - Value: 1) 14. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 5 - Column: 6 - Value: 6) 15. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 5 - Column: 8 - Value: 4) 16. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 6 - Column: 2 - Value: 9) 17. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 6 - Column: 8 - Value: 2) 18. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 7 - Column: 4 - Value: 3) 19. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 7 - Column: 5 - Value: 8) 20. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 7 - Column: 6 - Value: 9) 21. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 7 - Column: 8 - Value: 6) 22. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 8 - Column: 4 - Value: 7) 23. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 8 - Column: 5 - Value: 1) 24. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 9 - Column: 5 - Value: 6) 25. Round: 1 - Mark given (Row: 9 - Column: 6 - Value: 2) 26. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 5 - Column: 4 - Value: 5) 27. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 4 - Value: 4) 28. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 8 - Column: 6 - Value: 5) 29. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 3 - Column: 6 - Value: 4) 30. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 8 - Column: 8 - Value: 8) 31. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 1 - Column: 4 - Value: 2) 32. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 2 - Column: 4 - Value: 6) 33. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 2 - Column: 6 - Value: 8) 34. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 4 - Column: 6 - Value: 3) 35. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 5 - Column: 5 - Value: 9) 36. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 6 - Column: 5 - Value: 4) 37. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 6 - Column: 6 - Value: 7) 38. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 3 - Column: 9 - Value: 2) 39. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 1 - Column: 9 - Value: 6) 40. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 5 - Column: 1 - Value: 2) 41. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 4 - Column: 9 - Value: 9) 42. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 6 - Column: 9 - Value: 8) 43. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 6 - Column: 4 - Value: 1) 44. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 4 - Column: 4 - Value: 8) 45. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 4 - Column: 8 - Value: 1) 46. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 6 - Column: 7 - Value: 5) 47. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in column (Row: 8 - Column: 2 - Value: 6) 48. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 7 - Column: 2 - Value: 2) 49. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 8 - Column: 7 - Value: 2) 50. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 9 - Column: 7 - Value: 9) 51. Round: 2 - Mark single possibility for value in column (Row: 5 - Column: 7 - Value: 3) 52. Round: 2 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 5 - Column: 9 - Value: 7) 53. Round: 2 - Remove possibilities for naked pair in section (Row: 3 - Column: 1) 54. Round: 2 - Remove possibilities from hidden pair in row (Row: 1 - Column: 1 - Value: 8) 55. Round: 2 - Remove possibilities for column because all values are in one section (Row: 1 - Column: 2 - Value: 7) 56. Round: 3 - Mark guess (start round) (Row: 4 - Column: 3 - Value: 4) 57. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 4 - Column: 2 - Value: 5) 58. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 2 - Value: 3) 59. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 8 - Column: 3 - Value: 9) 60. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 1 - Column: 3 - Value: 8) 61. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 1 - Column: 1 - Value: 9) 62. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 8 - Column: 1 - Value: 4) 63. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 2 - Column: 1 - Value: 3) 64. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 2 - Column: 5 - Value: 5) 65. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 1 - Column: 5 - Value: 3) 66. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 6 - Column: 1 - Value: 6) 67. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 3 - Column: 1 - Value: 5) 68. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 3 - Column: 3 - Value: 6) 69. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 6 - Column: 3 - Value: 3) 70. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 7 - Column: 1 - Value: 1) 71. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 8 - Column: 9 - Value: 3) 72. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 1 - Value: 8) 73. Round: 4 - Mark single possibility for value in section (Row: 1 - Column: 8 - Value: 5) 74. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 8 - Value: 7) 75. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 7 - Column: 7 - Value: 4) 76. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 1 - Column: 7 - Value: 7) 77. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 1 - Column: 2 - Value: 4) 78. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 2 - Column: 2 - Value: 7) 79. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 2 - Column: 7 - Value: 1) 80. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 2 - Column: 9 - Value: 4) 81. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 7 - Column: 9 - Value: 5) 82. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 7 - Column: 3 - Value: 7) 83. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 3 - Value: 5) 84. Round: 4 - Mark only possibility for cell (Row: 9 - Column: 9 - Value: 1) The solution to the puzzle is unique. Number of Givens: 25 Number of Singles: 39 Number of Hidden Singles: 16 Number of Naked Pairs: 1 Number of Hidden Pairs: 1 Number of Pointing Pairs/Triples: 1 Number of Box/Line Intersections: 0 Number of Guesses: 1 Number of Backtracks: 2 Difficulty: Expert